Sunday, July 3, 2011


today i went to paris. i went on the metro up to the lourve. it was free today, and because of that there was a line arond the corner, and around another corner. then we went to the Notre Dame. i didnt go inside because there were to many people and would take an hour to get in. so instead we stopped off at a park in Luxembourg (not the country) and had some lunch. then we walked to the Panthéon where many famous french people are buried including Victor Hugo. then we went to the tunnel in paris where they shot the famous tunnel and bridge creqtion scene in Inception. then we went to the eifel tower, which, up close is very breathtaking. i got some great pictures from upfront and under the tower. then we went to the arc de le triumph. i couldnt go under or on top of it because there was so much traffic and this is pariss most deadly tourist attraction with all the cars that could hit you as you try to see it. there was a carnival across the street and i bought the best pork and peppers sandwich for 5 euros. best 5 euros i ever spent. i could not escape from the smell so i bought one. it was delicious. after that i went home, my camera died, and it would not be recognized by the computer; but lucky for you, this computer had a memory chip slot where all the photos are stored. my next post will contain them all.


  1. Your lying to yourself.
    Your didn't to Notre Dame because your afraid of Quasimodo.
    You didn't go under the Arc because its structurally unstable.
    You were forced to eat the sandwich.
    You camera was really on and recording everything you did.

  2. Sounds terrific. Did you take a photo of the sandwich? Can't wait to see the other photos. Sounds like today u had a wonderful time.
    Love, and love you,

  3. There is a notre dame college and church. The notre dame college is in america. The church is in Paris. You went to the notre dame church. It sounds like your trip is great.

  4. Great blog Ryan! I'm looking forward to following it!
